Thursday, March 10, 2011

Bronx Masquerade pt. 2

Continuing this book, I changed my mind about somethings like the personalities of these characters. All of the people are very caring deep down under all of their acts. I wonder why they're hiding their talents. Is it because going to that school you're suppose to be 'hard', have no feelings or what? I think that the way they are acting is very childlike. Because why not show or let people know what you are going through, but then again somethings are too hard to talk about. Like Gloria, she's a single mother and attending school. Life has to be hard for he. On top of that I think she had the baby just so she can be attatched to the babys father. Uhh STUPID! Why would you do something like that. Use your brain girl! Then it's this girl named Janelle, she has self-esteem problems. She's 'fat', well thats what you think. I think you should be proud of how you look no matter how you look. Your beter than that Janelle. That's all for now.

1 comment:

  1. Is the pressure to be "hard" something you see at Open. Often teen pregnancy is directly related to girl's low self-esteem as you suggest.
    Good job Evita!
